Semen Sires
Semen is available from the best sires used at Ashmore each year. We have a number of sires used widely across Australia that have performed very well in LAMBPLAN across flock evaluations. Please see the individual ram semen pages for photos and their latest ASBVs.
We welcome all enquiries phone Troy on 0456 230 099 or email
Ashmore 221308
- Combination of excellent structure, exceptional performance across numerous traits and terrific White Suffolk type
- Trait leader for early growth but moderate mature size
- Very well linked with over 900 progeny across 11 flocks
$70 per dose, min 30 dose package

Ashmore 220084
- Trait leader for growth, muscle and eating quality
- Excellent structure, balance and moderate frame
- >250 progeny creating accurate ASBVs
$70 per dose, min 30 dose package

Ashmore 200667
- Sired by Ashmore 170986
- Terrific balance, excellent structure, moderate frame
- Lead ram at Ashmore for 2022 drop >250 lambs produced
$50 per dose, min 30 dose package

Ashmore 170986
- Trait leader for growth, muscle and eating quality
- Excellent struture, balance and moderate frame
- High accuracy and great linkage
- Used in Superwhites 24 and MLA Resource Flock
- >1500 progeny in 30 flocks within Lambplan
$70 per dose, min 30 dose package

Ashmore 200518
- Curve bender with low birthweight & high growth
- Exceptional hindquarter muscle pattern
- Ideal for ewe lambs and maternal self replacing ewe systems
$50 per dose, min 30 dose package

Ashmore 200602
- Sired by Ashmore 170273 - outcross bloodline
- Beautifully balanced ram, excellent structure and type
$50 per dose, min 30 dose package

Ashmore 160433
- Exceptional growth and carcase traits combined with low birth weight and excellent structure
- Very bare points, belly, neck, breech
- Moderate frame, suitable for maternal systems
$40 per dose, min 30 dose package

Ashmore 150340
- A ram with unique combination of genes for outstanding production and eating quality
- High accuracy eating quality ASBVs - progeny tested in abbattior for IMF and Shearforce
$40 per dose, min 30 dose package